스크린샷 - Screenshot Extension for Google Chrome

스크린샷 – 스크린샷 확장

확장 프로그램 : 스크린샷 – Screenshot Extension for Google Chrome
버전 : 44.0.0
webpagescreenshot.info 제공

Chrome에 추가


스크린샷 - Screenshot Extension for Google Chrome웹페이지 스크린샷.【Features】
* Translate the text to other language.
* Highlight the text before print/capture.
* Edit the text before print
* Print only the selected area It's awesome.
* UNLIMITED STORAGE for storing your screenshot online!
* You can Save the selection to your computer as PNG file.
* Attach the screenshot directly to Gmail messages..
* Upload To Google Drive
* Post to facebook.
* You can EDIT THE TEXT before taking the screenshot (change any text, titles)
* Create note in Evernote (Like Evernote Web Clipper, buy we are capture entire page.
* Send captured image to any email address.
* Twett to Twitter.
* Post to VK.
* Send the screenshot to your mobile (By using QR Code/QRCode).
* Upload screenshot to WordPress gallery.
* Post To Google+ (Google Plus)
* Pin it to Pinterest.
* Send to outlook (hotmail/bing)
* Search the screen shot using Google Images service. (See if the image stolen from somewhere else).
* Create new post at Blogger.
* Post to Tumblr the screenshot.

* Webpage Screenshot Bar not inject ads or change content of any site!
* We are considering to open source this project. If you are a developer please contact us.

【Warning explained】
When running the extension first time it says "This extension can access: Your browsing history, Your data on all websites". This is the default warning for any extension that needs content script access to all websites. This access is needed for capture your tabs.
More info:

Email: [email protected]

Thank you.

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